D's Blog Feed

A place for inspiration, not only about design, but also about traveling, art, trends, and just interesting and curious finds. 

4 easy tips to fall in love with your designer

In every successful relationship, there has to be trust, and the relationship between clients and designers is no exception. Throughout my career, I have seen people hesitant and nervous when working with designers. Like a first date, if it’s the first time they are working with a freelance designer, there’s a cloud of doubt.

Let me help you improve that for next time.

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Daniela CabrerizoComment
Web design process for Athelas

A journey through two worlds and the design process of a web site for a web developers agency. The result, the client was very happy and I am excited to finally see it published soon. From the language menu to the different sections and the journey through the 2 worlds, this website offers a unique user experience and will, for sure, make Athelas stand out from the crowd. 

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